Events & news

Events & news2021-06-16T15:06:23+02:00

Lactose-free dairy products: market and technologies

January 5th, 2024|

In a food market demanding for healthier food products, lactose intolerance represents one of the main drivers of the expansion of alternative plant-based products. However, some consumers belonging to this specific group still [...]

Milk-clotting enzymes in dairy processing

November 8th, 2023|

The world of enzymes for the food industry is something fascinating. The technological roles of such processing tools encompass improvement of sensory profile (flavor, color, aroma) and general quality, specific hydrolytic processes, and so [...]

Cream separation: natural creaming or centrifugation?

May 10th, 2023|

Many are the reasons for cream separation: standardization of the fat content of milk, fat recovery, production of semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, fat concentration for high-fat dairy products. The approaches used to separate [...]

Hygienic design in mozzarella production plants

April 27th, 2023|

Food safety and food quality are two distinct terms; however, we are aware that these two important pillars are interconnected and that it is not possible to have food quality without working hard [...]

Defects in hard cheeses

February 18th, 2023|

There are many reasons why hard cheeses can sometimes show defects. With this article, we would like to address the main types of defects and their possible causes. Once their presence has been verified, [...]

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